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Madame Fù x ESSE Skincare Radiance and Vitality Afternoon Tea

Madame Fù Grand Café Chinois teams up with the South African skincare brand ESSE to unveil an exquisite afternoon tea experience! Discover a delightful array of pastries, meticulously crafted to embody the essence of probiotic beauty, and capture the vibrant spirit of South African summer. 

Celebrate the seamless blend of gastronomy and skincare through our remarkable partnership, inspired by ESSE Skincare. The centre piece of our collection is the cherished White Peach Yogurt Delight, crafted with probiotic yogurt to promote gut health, skin radiance, and vitality. Chef Taylor Leung and his team have curated an unforgettable assortment of sweet and savoury delights, reflecting the essence of radiance and vitality.

Each pastry is a sensory journey, our afternoon tea set elevates the traditional ones to new heights. Indulge in delights such as Prawn Couscous Salad, Bobotie Vol Au Vent, and Lemon Poppy Seed Éclair, every bite promises a symphony of flavours that resonate with the anti-aging philosophy of ESSE Skincare to get your skin back to its best. 

How about receiving full sized ESSE Radiance product gift set while enjoying our delectable afternoon tea? Available on a first-come, first-served basis & while supplies last! Revitalize your skin’s natural power with nourishing summer bites and natural skincare products to revitalize your skin’s innate radiance. 

Commencing on May 1st, 2024, guests are invited to experience the epitome of luxury with the introduction of their new Radiance and Vitality afternoon tea inside the picturesque view of Tai Kwun in Central, adding to the charm of a leisurely and relaxing afternoon.

Madame Fù x ESSE Skincare Radiance and Vitality Afternoon Tea sets is available

from 2:30pm – 5:30pm (last call at 4:30pm). For reservations, please visit:

or call +852 2114 2118 to reserve your spot today!

Madame Fù x ESSE 「煥采活膚下午茶」 

Madame Fù與ESSE 南非天然益生菌護膚品牌聯乘推出下午茶, 以南非夏日風情, 天然美肌為靈感, 以辛香調味與美顏益生菌入饌精心製作鹹甜美點, 把夏日清爽帶到餐桌上, 讓你感受南非熱情如火的夏日風情 ! 

重點推介 : 

  • 白桃乳酪慕斯 - 絲綢般柔滑細膩的乳酪慕斯, 配而清甜果香的白桃果肉, 為下午茶打開聚幕。甜品部主廚Taylor特別選用健康天然的乳酪入饌, 維護皮膚健康的同時更添美味! 

  • 檸香黑櫻米泡芙 - 鬆脆可口的閃電泡芙配酸甜柔滑的檸檬忌廉, 沁人心脾, 讓你一口接一口意猶未盡。夏日炎炎, 最適合清涼冰爽的飲品一解炎夏, 為提升下午茶體驗,

我們特別設計以花香為主題的mocktail, 結合了薰衣草與酸甜多汁的水果, 彷彿置身夏日的海邊, 讓您在享受下午茶的同時更添甜蜜滋味。 

每件鹹甜美點都是一場感官之旅,我們的下午茶將傳統的糕點提升至創意的新高度。 誠邀您盡情享用蝦仁非洲小米沙律、南非咖喱肉末酥盒和紅菜頭煙三文魚伴小圓餅等美食,每一口都是美味融合的交響樂,我們的美食與 ESSE護膚品牌的抗衰老理念攜手,讓您的肌膚恢復最佳狀態。 

凡惠顧聯乘下午茶, 更可獲得價值$438元的ESSE Radiance 禮物套裝, 先到先得, 送完即止, 讓養顏的夏日美點與天然護膚品, 賦活肌膚天然的力量! 

**供應日期: 由2024年5月1日至6月30日下午2:30至5:30 ,最後下單時間下午4:30 (禮物套裝為先到先得, 送完即止) 

如想訂座, 可透過Madame Fù的官方網站 或致電+852 2114 2118預留您的座位! 

Madame Fu x ESSE:「煥采活膚下午茶」詳細菜單可點擊 下載. 

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